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Showing posts from January, 2018

Why Spoonie Soup?

WELCOME TO SPOONIE SOUP! 🥄🍜 Why did I name this page "Spoonie Soup"? And why create this blog at all? Simple..."The Spoon Theory" is relevant to my life. And "Spoonie Soup" will simply be the ingredients that go into making this chronically ill life chronically fabulous. And, sometimes, a chronic pain in the ass. For those who haven't read "The Spoon Theory", the link is below.  The Spoon Theory So, a bit about me & why/how I'm a spoonie. If you've clicked the link, I assume you will have guessed that I deal with chronic pain conditions. Here are some of the health issues I fight on a regular basis: Fibromyalgia Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis DDD Diabetes Migraines IBS PTSD Depression Anxiety and the myriad of symptoms that come with each of these conditions.  I don't feel as though I'm an expert on any of these conditions. If you need expert advice, please, see a doctor. I'm just here to